
-» KARIN z Klicperova Chlumce
02.12.2012 |
Internationale dogshow, Nitra, judge: Lokodi Csaba, RO
-» Exc. 1, CAC, res. CACIB
01.12.2012 |
Internationale dogshow, Nitra, judge: Monika Uhlíková, SK
-» Exc. 1, CAC, CACIB
30.11.2012 |
Klub dogshow, Nitra, judge: Korozs Andras, HU
-» Exc. 1, CAC, CC, Klub winner
26.08.2012 |
Internationale dogshow, Debrecen, judge: L. Mirja
-» Exc. 1, HPJ, Karin accomplished conditions to Hungaria Juniorchampion
28.07.2012 |
Nationale dogshow, Debrecen, judge: Korozs Andras, HU
-» Exc. 1, HPJ, BOB
22.07.2012 |
Special dogshow, Košice, judge: Szabo sandor, HU
-» Exc. 1, CAJC, Karin accomplished conditions to Juniorchampion of Slovakia and Juniorchampion of SKCHTaF
21.07.2012 |
Internationale dogshow, Veľká Ida, judge: M. Supronowic, PL
-» Exc. 1, CAJC
20.07.2012 |
Nationale dogshow, Veľká Ida
-» Exc. 1, CAJC, Junior BOG
12.05.2012 |
Nationale dogshow, Salgotarjan, judge: Szabo Sandor, HU
-» Exc. 1, HPJ, Best Junior
foto: Mr. Zoltan Revesz
18.11.2011 |
Klub dogshow, Nitra, judge: J. Rainer, D
-» very promissing
© 2005-2007 |

DRU-WYD Scottish terrier kennel, Točnica 138, 985 22 Cinobaňa, Slovakia, info@dru-wyd.sk