
Shows & Working
08.-09.09.2012 |
Memoriál Jozefa KADLECA
-» VSS, III.c. 416b., the best wather working
05.07.2012 |
Special dogshow, Dvorianky, judge: Ing. J. Jursa
-» exc. I., CAC, BOB
30.06.2012 |
Lesné skúšky stavačov, Veľká Ves
-» LSS I.c., 249 b.
27.05.2012 |
Klub dogshow, Radošovce, judge: Ludek Muller, CZ
-» Excellent 1, CAC, Klub winner
13.05.2012 |
International dogshow, Sivac, judge: Ivan Colaric, CRO
-» Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
-» Chrumka accomplished SERBIA CHAPMION
25.03.2012 |
International dogshow, Nitra, judge: Ing. M. Stanovský
-» Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
-» Chrumka accomplished SLOVAKIA CHAPMION
24.03.2012 |
International dogshow, Nitra, judge: M. Haine, CZ
-» Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB
08.10.2011 |
Pohár KCHSHS, Keť
-» JSS - 221 b. I.c., ŠVP 69 b. III.c
25.09.2011 |
Autumn exam, Tomášovce
-» 221 b. I.c., The best dog on exam!!!
10.09.2011 |
Special klubshow, Prešov, judge: W. Burski, PL
-» Excellent 1, CAC, BOB
23.07.2011 |
International dogshow, Veľká Ida, judge: Ing. M. Stanovský, SK
-» Excellent 1, CAJC, BOB,
26.06.2011 |
Klub dogshow, Brno, judge: A. Brabletz, PL
-» Excellent 1, CAJC, Junior klubwinner
19.06.2011 |
Farbiarske skúšky stavačov, Sečovce
-» I. cena, 68 b.
04.06.2011 |
International dogshow, Nitra, judge: Dorota Witkowska, PL
-» Excellent 2
22.05.2011 |
Klub dogshow, Rasošovce, judge: Pavel Navrátil, CZ
-» Excellent 2
01.05.2011 |
Nationale dogshow, Banská Bystrica, judge: Miroslav Stanovský, SK
-» Excellent 2
16.04.2011 |
Skúška vlôh stavačov, PZ Skalica Pole
-» I.c., 168b.
© 2005-2007 |

DRU-WYD Scottish terrier kennel, Točnica 138, 985 22 Cinobaňa, Slovakia, info@dru-wyd.sk