
Breed history
This breed was developed at the end of second world war under the direction of Koloman Slimák as a combination of three breeds, The Weimaraner, the Cesky Fousek and the German Wirehaired Pointer. The hunters needed a very versatile dog that would be able to hunt in land, water and in forestry and which can retrieve everything from partridges to foxes. By using these breeds was created a dog which is capable to work in very hostile conditions.
In the 1950's the breed has been registered as a Rough Haired Weimaraner. A mistake in the translation of the Weimaraner standard into Slovakian was the reason. It was in 1975 when this mistake was identified by the German Weimaraner Club, the club did not approve, and the breed was removed from the Weimaraner classification. Until this time breeding between rough and smooth had been carried out with the approval of the breed wardens. The dogs were then registered with the Slovakian Hunters Union, the breed was developed and was admired for its working ability. By 1983 the breed had developed and could be split into three genealogical lines and three unrelated breeding groups. By this time there where about 400 dogs registered and approval was sought from the FCI and its standard has an official number 320.
Weimaraner breed is sometimes used in the breeding programme but only the dogs which are filling strange condition for to be used- working quality at the first place combinated with perfekt exterieur, health and character. In 2005 we started to work out the new line for this breed as a combination of three foundation breeds like it was at the beginning. All this work is stricktly organised from our club and in the meaning of FCI rule can be done only in Slovakia as in a country of origine.
This dogs are easy to train and absolutly happy when they are used by hunt. They will cover the ground at a good pace, seeking at 30 paces in front and 80- 100 paces to each side, are very good steady pointers and are excellent after the shot, being natural tracking dogs and good retriever with soft mouth. They are perfect in water and have good protection from the cold.

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DRU-WYD Scottish terrier kennel, Točnica 138, 985 22 Cinobaňa, Slovakia, info@dru-wyd.sk